
Where Hell Cat lives.

Review: Big Girls Do It Better, Jasinda Wilder

wilder-biggirlsTitle: Big Girls Do It Better
Author: Jasinda Wilder
Type: E-book
Publisher: Kindle Edition
Publication Date: 09/2/12
Category: Erotic Romance
Buy: Amazon


I wanted to like this novella, truly I did. I’m a big girl. I’m not a skinny thing, so I was thrilled to find some erotica that represents me physically in the story. Anna is a size 18, who has the confidence to wear a mini skirt and be a DJ for a karaoke bar. She’s slightly tipsy, goes to a local diner to order her usual. A hot, cut man named Chase approaches her. That’s actually not entirely inaccurate from my own encounters. Nor is her…reluctance to believe in his interest. (Yay, society, damaging girls of all shapes in sizes. Except, not so yay.)


After he shows up the next week to her gig, he’s all interested in some nice leather pants and sleeveless shirt. The man is masculinity personified. Here’s where my problem comes in. For 32 pages, we see her insecurity but none of his view. It’s like everything is from Anna’s view, even Chase’s comments seemed like bad fantasy porn. The sex was brief and not that erotic to me since they’re playing trust games after knowing each other a week.


The whole story felt like it needed 70 or so pages to really flesh out the characters, to make the sex hotter and less rushed. There’s next to no resonance with the character and sex appeal. Too bad. I really liked the idea of big girls getting sex because the romance genre doesn’t really talk about the idea of big girls liking sex. The novella earned a D based on her fears because it’s something very real, I think, among those of us who aren’t tiny.


This guy was trouble. He just wanted me because he thought I’d be easy, and desperate.   A lot of guys assumed that, and a lot of guys had gotten a rude awakening.


I’ve heard that and assumed it all my life. It was the known quantity when I was in high school; needles to say, I avoided the whole thought process. So that’s why the story earned the D. There was an element of truth I’d heard of. Too bad the rest of all “I’m making love to you even if I don’t know your last name” and “I’ve never come so many times even though I don’t know your last name” contrived, bad writing. The story was just too bare overall.


Grade: D

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About Hell Cat

Avid reader. Opinionated. Fan of many books and hot hockey players. Likes to look at the world around and commentate. Hell Cat because she's hell on wheels with some pretty sharp claws.


All books mentioned in reviews were bought and provided by reviewer unless noted in review. No affiliation to any organization or publisher.